Women Inspiring Women & Goddess Retreats

Next Retreats:
September 23-25, 2016 &
November 25-27, 2016
Time: Friday 5pm to Sunday 2pm
Location: Sooke, BC
Cost: $333 per person - Early Bird
Minimum $100 Deposit and Balance (3 weeks prior)
Includes: meals, accommodation, mini workshops and lots of fun activities.
When is the last time you took a weekend away to access that feminine powerful woman within? This may be your perfect opportunity to come play, be nurtured, rejuvenate, be creative, access the goddess that calls to you ... Aphrodite, Artemis, Diana. Come spend time in nature with other goddesses. A place and time you will never forget. Enjoy meeting new friends, networking with other women, sharing your passions and leaving all your worries and cares behind. A special time just for "YOU"

Women Inspiring Women means we inspire ourselves first, such that we are an inspiration to others - (that is my motto to live by) so if I am not nurturing myself and honouring myself it is hard to support others in doing the same. I am glad I am doing my hot yoga regularly as it is about mind, body, spirit connection - taking quiet time out just for myself, 90 minutes - making tea/lunch dates with my friends and colleagues and interviewing speakers and always asking myself "am I Inspiring myself today and being true to myself" and I am glad to say "yes".....we all need time out for us.
The weekends are also designed as a "Networking Retreat" for women in business... to relax while making new friendships, which will generate new business and referrals as several of our participants will attest to. We provide quality speakers who generously share their gifts and passions about their business and personal growth. This is an opportunity to really get to know the people you are with over a whole weekend, which ultimately builds relationships. You can experience some services such as massage, tarot, coaching, healing, knowledge, inspiration etc. Enjoy meals or a cup of tea together so you feel proud to recommend their services to others. As women in business, sometimes we forget to ask for support and try to do it all on our own. This is an opportunity to learn from others mistakes and their successes. I am all about supporting other women in their passions and providing a safe space to all come together.
We are always looking for quality speakers and healers so if you are interested please let me know.
We invite you to come play with us...with love and honouring who you are. Layla - "Women Inspiring Women Worldwide"