"Women Inspiring Women Worldwide" (WIWW) is a separate division of "Wisdom Within Workshops & Retreats"  WIWW will focus on Promoting Workshops, Events and Services of Women around the world.... Layla loves creating workshops and retreats and has been honoured to have several amazing speakers and healers at her WIWW/Goddess Retreats.  She realized a lot of women love to share their passions and purpose by offering their services but don't like to promote themselves or they don't have a big marketing budget to do so.  Since everyone calls Layla the "Goddess of Connection" it is time to promote what women are passionate about around the world.  Women from Mexico, USA, Germany have attended the retreats.  After making several great connections when Layla did the first International retreat in Perth, Australia - she has now decided to add the promotion part which she loves to do - for a small fee and share some INSPIRING Women Events with everyone.... while also including "Inspiring Quotes, Questions of the week, and women's topics of Interest".... so stay tuned for more updates......




FIRST WIWW EVENTS..... Please Welcome Anique Radiant Heart from Maitland, Australia to VIctoria, BC for an AMAZING weekend July 26, 27 and 28th - starting with a Concert Friday night then Chakra Workshop Saturday and ending with a Kuan Yin workshop Sunday - we have made the prices very reasonable as this is her first Canadian tour but is very well known in Australia - so come give her a BIG Canadian Welcome - she is such an "INSPIRATION" and we look forward to hearing her sing and chant and share her "Goddess Wisdom" with us all - males and females welcome - all events will be held at the Church of Truch 111 Superior Street... to Register please email me at layla@shaw.ca or 250-479-2801

Anique Radiant Heart - Australia - Concert $15 Friday July 26th - Victoria, BC
Calling all Goddesses, Singers, Musicians, Music lovers and everyone please Join us for an AMAZING Concert with Anique for her first Canadian Concert -she is very well known in Australia and we are Blessed to have her share her music and gifts with us for a whole weekend....
Concert Canada 2013.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 425.0 KB
Anique Radiant Heart - Australia - Chanting the Chakras- $50 July 27th
Join Anique Radiant Heart from Maitland, Australia on her first Canadian tour - and such an Inspiration...
Chakra Workshop Canada 2013.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 342.5 KB
Anique Radian Heart - Australia - Kuan Yin Workshop $25 July 28
Join us for an afternoon with Anique for the Kuan Yin Workshop - such an amazing deal - you won't want to miss it....
Kuan Yin Workshop Canada 2013.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 119.0 KB